My help comes from the Lord


Have you ever wondered what are the keys for better Christian life? If you come up with the answer as Bible and Prayer; you haven’t got it clear. One can read Bible just as daily routine, not taking the essence of the Word and similarly with the prayer, one could read a readymade prayer or make prayer with doubtfulness. As a hobby cyclist, I go for long rides now and then; many appreciate and tell me it is a good exercise. Yes it is, one should also know it is a sport and specific exercises are needed to enforce to do the sport better. For instance lunges, squats and planks are the key exercises to make cycling better. In the same manner we need to have exercises that would lead to a better Christian life. Psalmist says, my help comes from the Lord; in this blog we will explore the reasons for this strong and fancy statement along with the knowing of other exercises in Christian life beyond Bible and Prayer. (Psalm 121:2)


The finest time to praise is when you are about to see the darkest hour, a desperate or sorrowful situation, an unfavorable circumstance. When you praise God, you acknowledge that he is all powerful, all sufficient, wonderful and mighty in supply of our needs. It is really easy to acknowledge at good times, as was practiced in olden times. So when you practice praise before hard times, you build up your faith, you resist your hard times; for you know you are with God who will change your circumstance. Praise enlarges your vision and calls you to trust God. Through praise our lives becomes Christ centered. Psalmist said, my help comes from the Lord; acknowledging to the fact that he is the creator of heaven and earth. As we praise with the mind set on the creator and we His creations; it should help us to trust better as the creator is the best person to solve or fix any situations. I am not sure who said these lines, but very apt to this subject; “An attitude of praise is our God given key to victory in times of trials”. Nice song of Praise.   (Deuteronomy 10:21, Isaiah 63:7, Jeremiah 20:13, Psalm 34:1, 1 Peter 4:11)


Habit of happiness

Make a decision to be happy no matter what comes in your life. We have to believe that God is in total control. We were created to be happy and joyful. Find out what is causing you to worry and don’t allow your circumstance to steal your joy. Take victory and overcome the negative thinking and circumstances, train your mind to see good by magnifying God and be grateful to God. We should be the happiest people, we have the God who provides and watches over us, shouldn’t we? Remember we are blessed to be a blessing, spreading happiness is a blessing too! Psalmist says “He will not allow your foot to be moved; He who keeps you will not slumber” then why to worry? And why not to trust in saying “My help comes from the Lord” and be happy? Nice song on happiness.   (Job 8:21, Psalm 85:6, Psalm 121:3,4, Proverbs 17:22, John 14:1, Acts 2:28, Romans 15:13, Philippians 4:4)


Thanks Giving

In everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Jesus Christ. Do you have trouble to give thanks then you got a problem, you are missing the gratitude to show in return. As a first step, you may start counting your blessing and I hope you will find a way to thank God. Read this article, which will give you more insight and encourage you to be thankful. As the psalmist you might be thankful for the protection Lord endows on you; for He is your keeper and is your shade at your right hand. This is yet another reason the psalmist boasts on the help that he receives from the Lord. There are many reasons, you can thank God; You can thank for the Grace! I encourage you to listen and sing this beautiful songs from Don Meon Give Thanks and Thank You Lord(1 Chronicles 16:34, 1 Corinthians 1:4, Ephesians 1:16-17, Colossians 3:15 , I Thessalonians 5:18, Psalm 118:29, 121:5,6)


Speaking to the circumstance

This is the important part, so far we have discussed on defensive or passive ways. This is an attacking or aggressive exercise, you will need to exercise first on your faith. Jesus said fill the waterpots with water and then He said serve them, water turned wine. Jesus spoke and Lazarus was back to life from death. This is the same method God used when creating the Heaven and Earth by speaking, you may notice “God said” 10 times. Jesus questioned his disciples Where is your faith? When they feared death due to the unexpected rough sea and panicked. Jesus expected them to master the circumstance! By speaking! That was exactly what he demonstrated, rebuked the wind and spoke to the sea ‘Be still’. Time to correlate the picture, the sword is the word of God, attacking weapon, speaking to the circumstance; the shield is the faith that will help you to attack, quenching fiery darts, turning doubts into confidence. (Genesis 1, Mark 4:35-41, John 2:1-11; 11, Ephesians 6:14-17)

The famous example “Mountain you've got to move” was also the outcome of demonstrating what powers God has given you by speaking. Disciples were shocked to see the fig tree dried up from the root on their return journey, then Jesus explained faith and speaking to the circumstance, He also added the amount of faith needed – as small as a mustard seed. Jesus praised centurion for his great faith, for he asked Jesus just to speak. Psalmist was also prophetical on mentioning God preserving his soul from any danger, he speaks on the success that will come on his way as he will step out. “The Lord shall preserve thee from all evil; he shall preserve thy soul. The Lord shall preserve thy going out and thy coming in from this time forth and even for evermore”. Let us examine, do we have such a perspective in saying “My help is from the Lord”, with such a confidence? (Matthew 17:20, 21:17-22; Luke 7:1-10, Psalm 121:7,8)


There are many other exercises that could help you to be better; I hope these four will have dependencies in many of these. As you could have noticed, trust plays an important role; one classical example is well explained, if you would like to be benefited. Others include, meditating on the word of God, singing songs and playing music, worship, shout of joy, hearing word of God, confessions, doing good, Givingfaith and fruit of the spirit. Isaiah has already prophesied this list to my surprise, you may read it in one of the shortest chapter. Of Course reading Bible and prayer is mandate but better if done in a more meaningful way. Has your attitude and perspective in knowing God being reflected? Are you in touch with God in a wholehearted way, trusting Him completely? Do you pray believing that you will receive? (Isaiah 12)

I wish you have benefited and will be blessed from reading these. I hope you trust as the psalmist saying your help, your strength, is from the Lord and win battles over all your circumstances. May the grace of God help you to turn all your sorrow to joy, your poverty to richness and your weakness to strength. May others say unto you that your help comes from the Lord, I wish you be such an example. Jesus quoted on first and great commandment is “Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.” (Matthew 22:37,38)