Trusting God when the going gets tough


Many of us might be going through a difficult situation where it is difficult to place our trust in God. The life of Joseph is a perfect example to show that we should trust God at all times and that he will deliver us in the fullness of time.

Joseph’s journey (from age 17-30):

  • Joseph was the eleventh son of Jacob and he had the gift of interpreting dreams

  • He was Jacob’s favorite son which made his brothers jealous of him

  • His brothers wanted to get rid of him so they plotted to kill him

  • They threw him into a pit, but later sold him as a slave to Midianites who in turn sold him to an Ishmaelite caravan headed toward Egypt. The brothers tore his coat and dipped it in goat’s blood and took it to their father as proof of his death.

  • Joseph was brought as a slave to Potipher, an Egyptian officer of Pharaoh.

  • God was with Joseph and he found favor in the eyes of Potipher. Potipher put him in charge of his household.

  • Potipher’s wife was attracted to Joseph and tried to seduce him. When Joseph runs away from her, she falsely accuses Joseph.

  • Joseph was put in jail for a mistake that he did not commit. But God was with him through this time and he found favor in the eyes of the jailer. The jailer appointed him in charge of his other inmates.

  • The cup bearer and baker (who worked for the Pharaoh) were put in prison and they each had a dream which they could not interpret. Joseph was able to interpret their dream and he told the cupbearer to remember him once he was released and back in Pharaoh’s service. But the cupbearer forgot about him after he was released.

  • Joseph remained in prison for another 2 years but he never stopped trusting in God.

  • It was at this time that the Pharaoh had two disturbing dreams 1) Seven sick cows consuming seven healthy cows

2) Seven sickly ears of grain consuming seven lush ears of grain. Pharaoh was looking for someone to interpret his dream.

  • It was at this time that the cupbearer remembered Joseph and he told Pharaoh about him. Joseph was brought before the Pharaoh and he interpreted the dream- Seven years of great abundance is coming after which seven years of famine will arise.

  • Pharaoh starts preparing for the famine and Joseph at the age of 30, was appointed as second-in- command to Pharaoh.

  • It was during this famine that Jacob’s sons, come to Egypt in order to buy food and that is when Joseph gets reunited with his brothers and father.

Things we can learn from the life of Joseph:

  • God knows the bigger picture

Our God is a sovereign God and he was aware of the fact that there was going to be a big famine even before Joseph was in Egypt. He therefore placed Joseph in Egypt and prepared him before this famine.

As humans with our finite knowledge, we will not be able to understand even if God tries to explain what He is doing in our lives. For our eyes, it might look like everything is going wrong in our lives, but remember God knows the bigger picture. Hence, when the going gets tough, it is best to place our trust in Him and wait and watch his amazing plan unfold with time.

Nothing went right in Joseph’s life from the age 17, but at 30, he was able to understand God was working in ways he was not aware of.

  • God protects his children when they trust in Him during difficult circumstances

Joseph went through a lot- He was sold as a slave, false blame was put on him and he ended up in prison for a crime he did not commit. But all through this time, God was with him and he was protecting and guiding him. He found favor in the eyes of people wherever he went. This was because Joseph placed his trust in God.

When we put our trust in God, He takes care of everything.

  • Waiting time is the most special time with the Lord- It’s a time of spiritual preparation

Most of the time, we expect God to work according to our time table. But, it is during this waiting time that God works in our lives, transforming us in order to prepare us for the blessing we prayed for.

Joseph wanted deliverance. But he was put in prison, and at that time he was put in charge of other inmates which probably helped in molding and preparing him for a greater role as the second in command to Pharaoh. Waiting time is often the time of preparation and drawing closer to God.

  • We should forgive people who have wronged us

Joseph, when he met his brothers during the famine, did not hold a grudge against them for what they had done to him. Instead, he forgave them and united with them. God commands us to forgive those who have wronged us.

  • God can use even the most evil plan of others to bring about his perfect purpose

God was able to use Josephs’ brothers plotting to kill him to accomplish his perfect purpose of protecting Egypt and the world from the famine. Whatever evil man plans, can be turned to good by God to accomplish his purpose as he is a mighty God.

Joseph himself told this to his brothers when he met them.

You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives. (Genesis 50:20)

God can change any bad situation we are facing into good if we are willing to trust in him and hand over the situation to him. When we are willing to do this, we can see God working in miraculous ways in our lives.