Paid in Full

Why did Jesus come to the world? Why do we need a savior? Is there salvation without trusting in Jesus?

Inheritance of Sin from Adam



Through Adam, sin entered the world. Since we are all descendants of Adam, we have inherited sin nature from Adam. Due to this, we are all born separated from God and our natural inclination is the desire to sin. Sin has a lot of harmful consequences. It produces eternal separation from God.

The wages of sin is death. (Romans 6:23)

The death and resurrection of Jesus



Since God loves us and he does not want us to spend eternity in hell paying for our sins, he sent his son Jesus Christ, the sinless lamb of God to die for our sins. The only way to eternal life is to trust in Jesus Christ. If Jesus had not been raised from the dead, it would mean that he was dying for his sins. Since he rose again from the dead, it means that he was dying for our sins.

God’s ultimate plan and purpose:




When we sin, we get into debt. Think of it this way. Imagine you have a business and it suffered a great loss and you got into a huge debt. You cannot pay back the money as it is much more than what you will earn in your life time. You require someone to pay it off for you. Then a friend decides to step in to help you and pays off all your debt. That person is your savior as he saved you from becoming bankrupt.

Similarly, each time we sin, we get into a huge debt. No amount of good works that we do can save us from the debt. If we decide to pay it off on our own, we will be spending eternity in hell paying for our sins. We can either choose to do that or we can trust in Jesus as our savior and our debt is paid in full.

This is why when Jesus hung on the cross, he said ‘It is Finished’ which literally means ‘PAID IN FULL’ (John 19:30). When he died, the curtain of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom symbolizing that there is no need for animal sacrifice anymore as the sinless lamb of God (Jesus) has paid the ultimate price. (Matthew 27:51)


Jesus paid it all, All to Him I owe;
Sin had left a crimson stain,
He washed it white as snow.

-Jesus paid it all by Elvina Hall