You are not alone

  • Betrayed by friends?

Have your friends betrayed you and are you left alone? Do you feel the people you trusted the most have betrayed you? Don’t worry, God has been through it. Let him know how you feel.

Talk to Jesus and let him know. He will understand.

He faced a similar situation when Judas, one of his twelve disciples betrayed him.

  • Lost a loved one?

Lost a loved one? Do you feel sad and depressed?

Talk to Jesus and let him know. He will understand.

He has been through this when he heard of the death of his close friend Lazarus. He knows how you feel.

  • Abandoned and left alone?

Are you abandoned and left alone? Have all your friends and loved ones deserted you?

Talk to Jesus and let him know. He will understand.

He faced this when he was taken to be crucified. All his disciples deserted him and ran away as they feared for their life.

  • Tempted by the devil?

Is the devil constantly tempting you to sin?

Talk to Jesus and let him know. He will understand.

He was tempted three times in the desert by the devil when he was fasting for forty days and forty nights.

  • Mocked for your faith?

Are you mocked for your faith? Is it difficult to live a Godly life in an ungodly world?

Talk to Jesus and let him know. He will understand.

He was mocked by the guards before he was crucified.

  • Your plan didn’t work out?

Did you ask God for something and he did not answer your request the way you wanted it to be answered?

Talk to Jesus and let him know. He will understand.

He has been through this in the Garden of Gethsemane. Jesus prayed to his heavenly father asking him if it was possible to remove the cup (crucifixion) and sweat like blood fell on the ground.

  • Deserted by your heavenly father?

Do you feel no matter how much you pray or ask God to intervene, God remains silent?

Talk to Jesus and let him know. He will understand.

Jesus faced this when he was on the cross when he cried out “My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?”

 God allows us to go through certain situations to make us stronger and to accomplish his ultimate purpose.  He does understand what we are going through as he has come to the world as flesh and he knows all the problems and weaknesses we go through. Talk to him, he will understand and give you the courage to go through a situation as he has been through it.

For we do not have a high priest who is unable to empathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are—yet he did not sin. (Hebrews 4:15)