Caught Between

My daughter writes with huge letters because she is only six and likes her free style of writing. When I reviewed her work, I suggested to make it small and taught her to fit letters between the lines. The results were amazing whenever she writes in front of me she ensures the outcome was as instructed. She is caught between the idea what her daddy taught. In this blog you will see 3 people who were caught between God’s idea and how they reacted.

Moses when he met God in Mount Sinai, he was given an idea to bring the people of Israel out of their bondage in Egypt. God only showed 2 miracles, rod turning to snake and hand turning to leper. Third miracle was an instruction to turn Nile blood. Do you think this is enough? This looks enough but when he meets Pharaoh and demonstrated, it looked nothing to Pharaoh; for he could challenge with his magicians. When he met his people, neither were they totally convinced; for the people were later hardened more as Moses challenged Pharaoh. Third was a test of faith and Mosses grew in faith and communion with God. Miracles after miracles happened and Israelites were finally let go out of Egypt literally spoiling Egyptians collecting as much wealth; as a promised pay back by God for their labour. In the midst of witnessing 10 plagues, God’s deliverance and provision; when they were stuck between Red sea and Pharaoh’s army chasing behind, the stiffnecked people forgetting the pillar of cloud and fire at front and back said to Moses you have brought us out of Egypt to make us die here so no funeral space is needed in Egypt. Moses replied instantly although he did not know the solution, “For the Egyptians whom you see today, you shall see them again no more forever”. Moses did not approach God for the reply for he was transformed, trusting and experiencing God. However God wished he moved further in using the rod without asking – why cry unto me? For sure God is waiting to see you speak and act and not to complain! The transformation of Moses was amazing looking at the circumstances where he was between the heart faded Israelites and arrogant Pharaoh and importantly accomplishing the desire to drive Israelites out of Egypt; for he was caught between performing God’s idea here on earth. (Exodus 14)

When Jesus was crossing Samaria around lunch time, he rested by Jacob’s well while the disciples went away to buy meat; a fantastic meeting occurs with a women who arrived at an unusual time and healthy conversation takes place.  Jesus’ desire to share her the ‘Living Water’ while she was interested to know more about Him. While Jesus revealed ‘I am the Messiah’, disciples arrived with meat and woman left the well leaving the water pot. Jesus was waiting for a feast taking no meat that his disciples brought him. The meat he had to eat which the disciples know not was the will of God. It was the Samaritan harvest! Jesus stayed there 2 days and many believed on Him as the saviour of the world. Look at the transformation of the women’s heart once she having known the mystery about Messiah taking no concern of her past proclaimed throughout the city so as others could experience the joy that filled her heart. She was caught between God’s idea here on earth; ancient truth concerning Messiah to her people who knew not. (John 4)

Finally consider the transformation of Paul,  disclosed while defending his case by himself unto king Agrippa who was considered to be well versed in Israel’s culture. The case was Paul preaching Jesus being alive while he is dead; this case was of great interest and much audience were present; Paul was brought in chains and was expected to be sent to Rome as Paul requested. This hearing was only for book of records. Paul happily presents the ‘Hope of the Promise’; the Saul he was and the Paul he is for the purpose to open the eyes in turning people from darkness to light and from the power of saturn unto God, forgiveness of sins and inheritance by faith. As Saul he was known to have done many things contrary to the name of Jesus of Nazareth, shutting saints in prison, voicing against them, putting them to death, punishing them in Synagogue, compelling them to blaspheme, extending his activities even out of the Jewish territory. The very fact he moved to Damascus was with an ordained commission to eradicate the belief on Jesus. After the encounter in Damascus, he was caught between the truth and what has to be done instead. He boldly took an U turn and proclaimed that Christ should suffer and that He should be the first to rise from the dead, to show the light unto Jews and to the Gentiles referring to Isaiah and Torah. King Agrippa was almost persuaded to be a christian, if Paul had not appealed to Caesar, king said that he could have left him free. Paul wished that not only king but also all who heard him might be transformed such as him. (Acts 25, 26; Genesis 3:15; Isaiah 53; Matthew 28)

The truth is if God is with you and you are with Him, there will be changes in your life. You may lead like Moses, you may win souls lifting them up like Paul, or you may share the good news like Samaritan woman.  Have you known Christ? Jesus said “If anyone is thirsty, let him come to Me and drink! He who trusts in Me as the scripture has said, ‘ From his innermost being will flow continually rivers of living water'”. Do you see God’s will and promise on earth? God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth on Him should not perish but have everlasting life”. Have you been transformed? Paul said “Be not conformed to this world  but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is good, acceptable and perfect, will of God”.  May God help you to abide in Him as branches and to bear much fruit, for without Him we can do nothing. (John 7:37, 38; John 3:16; Romans 12:2; John 15:5)