God delivers in any situation – Daniel Chapter 3

What would be your reaction if you are in gunpoint for no cause or some good deeds? How would you react if you are to be thrown in fire or to be kept in a poisonous cage? This such horrible happening and punishment was pretty usual from the past. Men and Women have undergone more horrible deaths for treachery and vengeance. Jesus said “Blessed are those who are persecuted for doing right, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” In Daniel chapter 3, you will see the gentlemen who preferred to die for the sake of the Lord and for the supremacy over their belief. They know that their God was supreme and all powerful although they have lost battles and current situation is not that great. In chapter 1 we see God magnified them, chapter 2 we see the powerful act of God in revealing secrets. They also know that currently Babylon was the powerful nation in the world. All though they were aware of their captivity, they denied captivity to their belief. Chapter 3 is the demonstration of that and in return God delivers. The code to remember this chapter is Escape. (Matthew 5:10)

An astonishing miracle happened that day, death was waiting for 3 men of Israel Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego but for God nothing is too difficult. This is not a mere miracle escape, but the deliverance being spoken off, made mouth shut, changed the perspective of the king. Hope many of us know what this is all about, let us dive deep.(Jeremiah 32:27, Luke 18:27, Matthew 19:26)



Nebuchadnezzar built a great  golden statue and gathered all the people to bow and worship when the music was played. Three men did not bow down and were brought before king; king was angry, warning them, reminding them of the fiery furnace and giving them second chance. King was sure that they would die in fire if they do not bow down this time and no one could save them. (Daniel 3:1-15)

These men turned down their second chance stating to king, our God whom we serve will be able to deliver us from the hot fiery furnace and He will deliver out of your hand. And boldly added that we will not serve any other gods and the golden image. I tell you, this is such a trust that God expects in our day today lives. Only if you can trust it is possible to hope for the unseen – faith. In the old testament word faith was only used 2 times, it was all about trust. Those men who trusted God showed their faith in God in their deeds. For without faith it is impossible to please God and God is disappointed with whom there is no faith. The truth is if God is with you and you are with Him, there will be changes in your life to build a relationship for which trust plays a role. (Daniel 3:16-18, Deuteronomy 32:20, Hebrews 11:6)

King was very furious and charged that the furnace to be seven times hotter. While king expected these 3 men to be dead, his strong army men who tied them up died throwing them into the furnace due the extreme heat, now to his astonishment 4 men were walking. King shouted calling Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego to come out. All were amazed to know that fire did not prevail over them, fire had no power, none of their belongings were affected and smell of fire was not on them. It is trust that builds relationship with God and trust that delivers in any situation. Commit your way unto God; trust in Him; and He will act. (Daniel 3:19-27, Psalms 37:5)

Then Nebuchadnezzar said “Blessed be God of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, who has sent his angel and delivered his servants that trusted in Him”. The best thing that could be done in the worst situation or confused state is to simply trust in Him. Job the wealthy man of East did not put his trust in Gold or Silver but said though He slays me, yet will I trust Him. May your life learn to trust in God and see the deliverances. Psalmist says some trust in chariots and some in horses but we trust in the name of the Lord. Jesus said “Don’t let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God, and trust also in me.” (Daniel 3:28, Job 31:24; 13:15 Psalms 56:3; 20:7, John 14:1) 

to be continued…