God magnifies us – Daniel Chapter 1

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Reading Bible at different times and with different insights keeps giving us a new dimension and paying attention gives us more details. Years back, when I have heard and read of Daniel and his friends being selected with distinction by the king, I considered ‘WoW’ that was great. In the last few months reading Daniel chapter 1 again and again, I could draw more from it; learning how difficult it would have been. My simple code to remember this chapter is x10 ‘Ten Times’. (Daniel 1:20)



How would you believe in 605 BC there was a 3 year course offered only for a selected few, subjects not of a choice and classes held in palace school with all provision fulfilling needs in a great and ancient city Babylon in a country that was considered super power in those times. Most of us know the story here that Daniel and his friends named Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego were brought captives and was provided this royal education. The selection criteria for these captives were to be princess, youth, without blemish, handsome, skilful in knowledge, proficient in science, ability to learn languages. (Daniel 1:4)

King Nebuchadnezzar was a talented man and further wished to expand the talent base in his palace. I think with other possibilities of his strategic decision he must have been interested in the treasures and literature of Israel and hence wished to have few on his board, likewise he seemed to have done to other neighbouring country men as he kept expanding his empire. Therefore these heroes in Bible were intelligent captives forced for this course and deemed to serve new king. (Isaiah 39, Jeremiah 27:8, 28:14, 39:11-14)

In the course they ought to learn Chaldean language, their belief and lifestyle, pagan philosophies, anatomy, astronomy, astrology, mathematics and may be some sort of magic based on the growth on these subjects in those times. Babylon was also believed to have huge libraries with artefacts classified on all subjects and special provision for those practicing in king’s court. Some of these subjects are not practiced or even encouraged in Israel. These gentlemen have to labour with these for 3 years. For by the end of 3 years, king had planned to examine. (Daniel 1:5)

Daniel and his friends could not show resistance in the course but they were bold to resist their provision to express his faithfulness in God. Daniel proposed in his heart that he would not defile himself neither with the portion of the king’s meat nor with the wine. Therefore he requested the prince of the eunuchs. Ten day challenge was agreed and Daniel won the deal, God did some miracle so as eating vegetarian diet made difference just in 10 days. (Daniel 1:8)

They tried to honour God although the circumstance was difficult and different. They trusted God for all their resources, and God gave them knowledge and skill in all learning and wisdom. On the day of exam, by the end of 3 years, king examined all that were enrolled and in all matters of wisdom and understanding, he found these Jews 10 times better than all the magicians and astrologers that were in all his realm. What an abundant blessing of the Lord! (Daniel 1:17, 20)

Daniel and his friends, although they were away from home country, personified and dignified, they had success in the midst of difficulties, because God was with them and they realized to be in part of a great plan. Daniel was also made as a ruler over the whole province of Babylon and to be the chief of the governors over all the wise men of Babylon. (Daniel 2:48)

When you are in an unpleasant or in any needed situation, remember we have a provider who gives and gives to us abundantly. It is the nature of our God, our father and Jesus Christ his son. All we need to do is to ask! Jesus said “I have come that you may have life and have it more abundantly” and know ye that it is God who gives wisdom to all. (John 10:10, James 1:5)

God distinguishes his people, the situation is not the problem, even though you are in a wrong environment, that wouldn’t be a problem. God would honour you wherever you are. If God could give for Daniel the wisdom in so much abundance ‘x10’ wouldn’t Jesus give in abundance ‘x10’ or even more in all that you do or in that you have a need? Be blessed with a life in and through Jesus Christ. The exam or the trials or the challenges you are facing is nothing in front of our God; there are lot more victories that are to be accomplished!