God's side

Nothing exists by itself

Nothing exists by itself unless someone produces (create/compose/originate/develop) it. This is no great mystery yet some do not accept it. If you ask any achiever or to anyone after their accomplishment, they will have their word to say how they had worked for it. Even in Christian sphere some times, few fail to consider the action part. Earth was without form and void and darkness was in the face of the deep. God spoke to create a beautiful world in six days! God worked these six days. Today’s focus would be on what we might miss to take action upon. (Genesis 1:2)

God magnifies us – Daniel Chapter 1

Reading Bible at different times and with different insights keeps giving us a new dimension and paying attention gives us more details. Years back, when I have heard and read of Daniel and his friends being selected with distinction by the king, I considered ‘WoW’ that was great. In the last few months reading Daniel chapter 1 again and again, I could draw more from it; learning how difficult it would have been.